Process Control Design and Practice

Sequential Logic:

Batch Control


There is a lot to cover in the topic of Sequential Logic and Batch Control, all covered in Chapter 7 of the text (link below). This first video introduces Sequences, Sequential Logic, the Sequential Function Chart, and Batch Recipes.


Modular Batch Design (below) introduces the ANSI/ISA S88 standard, which helps us to cope with the complexity of batch equipment and sequences by breaking it into different levels of abstraction.


The next video covers Batch Phases, the working commands of Batch Recipes which carry out specific tasks.


Finally, our last video for Sequential Logic and Chapter 7 covers non-batch applications of Sequential Logic in Process Operations.


The material these videos is covered in Chapter 7 of the text. Read the text and complete the exercises at the end of the chapter to learn the material introduced in the videos.